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Tour #5

Price: 200
Three day tour | Two days of rafting on the Tara (or) Tara and Drina Rivers
    DAY #1
  • Arrival at the camp in the afternoon & settling in
  • Dinner, bonfire, music& rest

    DAY #2
  • Breakfast by 10:30 – homemade & local cuisine
  • Every participant gets a neoprene suit, neoprene boots & life jacket
  • Transportation by jeeps and vans to Brstenovica from where our rafting begins
  • Forming rafting teams, introducing skippers and principles of team work. Boats have a capacity of 10-12 persons and it is important that participants obey the skipper’s instructions
  • Rafting starts around 13:00. This tour takes you through a total of 14 kilometers of serene surroundings & whitewaterand is one of the most exciting parts of the Tara River. Rafting lasts approximately three and a half hours with pauses for swimming and refreshments
  • Return to camp by 17:00h
  • Dinner - traditional local cuisine such as rafter’s stew & lamb cooked under “Sač” (domestic iron cooking pot)…. Leisure time after dinner marks the end of the tour(here you should feel free to ask about a bonfire & inquiry about history, tradition & local legend)

    DAY #3
  • Breakfast around 9:00 – homemade cuisine
  • Visiting Perućica rainforest
  • Transportation via jeeps or vans to Brštanovica or Bastasi (depends on what is requested - see below)
  • Boarding by 10:30 and doing either: a new (deeper towards the source)14 kilometerstretch of the Tara – or –a 22 kilometerstretch of the Drina River from Bastasi to Auto camp “Drina” which is also an unforgettable journey
  • Arriving back at the camp around 17:00, then changing rooms followed bydinner and leisure as the tour ends
  • Cena ove ture je 140€